To request to be a Coordinator click the button below.
How it works and what it takes.
With the internet nearly ubiquitous, people are barraged with advertising communications. Most people tune it out, get ad blockers and generally try and reduce the amount of communication they see.
Communication that comes from someone who is known to them as a person or even as someone who has a similar address (neighbor) is much more listened to. The more you are like them, the better, somebody who has the same kind of house, somebody who has kids the same age, etc, etc
Here are some more things that a successful coordinator submitted to us. You can do these as you see fit.
A very valuable thing you can do for the planet and your neighbors is to use North Pasture Farms to get more food that is grown with Regenerative Agriculture out there and well thought of. You don’t need to be a healthy food evangelist, but it does help…
New customers routinely say how happy they are to have found us. I find this pretty gratifying and think you will also.
To request to be a Coordinator click the button below.
The things you will need to have at your drop spot are:
If for some reason you know you cannot be there contact Steve right away and we will work something out either coolers and we contact the people to not be late or we get one of them to hold the fort until its picked up or arrange for them to pick up at the next drop. We do need to know a day or so in advance so we can make these arrangements and let people know.
If someone doesn’t pick up their order and you cannot reach them, contact us and we will try ourselves or give you the meat. This has only happened a few times in the past several years so it is not something you need to be unduly worried about.
You are moving out of the area. Just let Steve know, we will work something out. If you have an idea of who would be a good coordinator in your place let me know, if not, no worries.
If you get questions from a customer, answer it if you can. If not, either get them to email Steve or email him yourself. I usually answer emails within hours of getting them unless we are off doing a delivery. In which case I respond pretty fast to texts and phone calls. I handle the emails either at night or when we get back home.
To request to be a Coordinator click the button below.
The coordinator gets a percentage of the value of the drop. If the drop is small, the percentage can be as low as 3%. If the drop is large, the percentage gets as high as 7%. The percentage gets put on the coordinator’s credit account and is used for future orders, or the order that is currently outstanding, whichever. There are a few coordinators who would rather have the money. This is fine with us. We cut checks when the credit amount gets above 500 bucks.
There is also a commission for new people. If the new person orders, the coordinator gets 8 bucks credit. Some coordinators like to use their referral link (you can find that on the website under ‘my account’). Others like to just tell people to go to the website and order. Before every delivery Steve goes through and see who the new people are and award the 8 bucks for every new person one way or another.
We also play a 'High Steaks Game' among coordinators for a given route. You will be playing against other coordinators in your route. There is a new guys game and a raw production game and also an improvers game. Awards vary from around 50 bucks added to credit accounts for impressive winners down to 10 bucks to second and third place. If a coordinator does something truly impressive, they get the 50 bucks, if it is not so impressive, less.
The other, less talked about perk is you get to be part of a group that is actually working on regenerative agriculture. If you don’t’ know what that is A very good video that covers what I am really about is a Ted Talk called “It’s Not the Cow, It’s the How”.
If we can get regenerative agriculture to take hold and be more mainstream, we can use it to sequester carbon out of the air and into the soil where it belongs. Regenerative Agriculture can go a long way toward mitigating climate change. So let’s handle climate change by getting people to eat GrassFed Beef.
To request to be a Coordinator click the button below.
o Between 3% and 7% of the value of the drop. Paid in credits for meat. If you build up more than 500 bucks credit, we can send a check.
o 8 bucks per new guy. Paid in credits for meat.
o As long as the two drop spots are in different zip codes, it should work. Depending on population density and distance apart. I am the decider on that. Most times there is room for a new coordinator.
o Yep. Just email me and I will send you the list with email addresses and phone numbers.
o Quite often customers contact us without contacting you so asking for this list from time to time is a good idea.
o Nope.
o But there is a minimum amount of drop. It costs money to make a stop, drive to your place, take the time to stop there, etc. If you have a smaller drop than 500 bucks on a consistent basis, you have a good chance of not being a coordinator very long. BUT, if your location is very close to our existing route, your minimum will be less. If your location is way out in the boonies, your minimum will be more.
o Nope. It is their responsibility to pick up before the meat thaws out.
o That being said, it is awful nice if you have a cooler, some deep shade, etc. Even a big cardboard box works pretty well as a cooler.
o The main thing about holding meat is to be in communication with the customer. If you can’t do it, no worries, have them contact Steve and tell him you can't help this time. We will work something else out. Maybe they can pick up at someone else’s drop that time, maybe they will have to cancel their order. Something can be worked out with communication almost every time.
o An extra freezer in the garage would be an awful nice thing though. One coordinator got a small freezer on craigslist, paid 25 bucks for it. She keeps it on a piano dolly in her garage. On pickup day she wheels it outside, runs an extension cord to it and the meat goes in there. No worries. I should note that this is coordinator-ship well above and beyond the call of duty.
To request to be a Coordinator click the button below.
Just had my first pick-up in Appleton. How slick! You've got this process down! Very punctual and organized. Thanks so much for driving it all the way over to us - can't wait to try my goodies.
Fabulous Quality, GrassFed beef – pastured chicken and pork. Non GMO. Farm fresh is best!