For North Pasture Farms -
The following privacy policy (effective March 11, 2020) describes in what personal information is collected on our website (""), how it is used, and why. Account creation signifies you, the customer, agree to below policies regarding use of personal information. All webpages on our site requesting personal information also contains a link to our privacy policy. Personal data entry is required for placing an order through our website.
Account creation on our website requires, at minimum, an email address, first and last name, and zip code ("personal information"). Zip codes are required to locate the nearest delivery/pick up locations for our products. Customers agree to use of their personal information by creating an account, including subscribing to marketing campaigns. We try our best to keep marketing to a minimum to honor your time, while still notifying you of our valuable services and products. An option to unsubscribe from marketing emails (marketing emails do not include emails notifying of upcoming delivery/pick up dates, or those pertaining to specific orders made by the customer such as invoices and delivery/pick up information) will be included at the bottom of each email. Customers also opt in to our newsletter upon creating an account. Newsletters are emailed monthly or bimonthly to notify customers of farm happenings and pertinent information regarding product availability.
Additional information, including phone number, home address, and billing address, is collected at checkout ("order information"). Order information is used to follow up with customers regarding specific orders, including, but not limited to, fulfillment and confirmation of orders, specifics of items within a order, questions regarding account information, and orders not picked up at the confirmed location, date, and time.
At checkout, customer are also required to enter a valid credit card. North Pasture Farms has access to the card brand, last four digits of the number, cardholder name, expiration date, and billing information; North Pasture Farms does not ever see or hold complete credit cards numbers. More on credit card processing below.
Individuals interested in starting a new delivery/pick up location are asked to complete a pickup proposal containing their name, address, email address, and phone number. Information submitted is used to determine viability of the proposal.
Credit card information is encrypted and sent to our credit card processor, Stripe ( Your complete credit card information is never stored on our servers.
When orders are packaged (finalized with specific items by type and weight), we submit a charge through Stripe and your final invoice and receipt is sent via email.
More information about Stripe can be found at
When using our website, we may place cookie files in your web browser. We use cookies to optimize the customer experience by retaining session information such as data and preferences, provide analytics, and enable advertising.
Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze how customers use our website to improve service in the future. Google will also use customer IP addresses to obtain an approximate location. In addition, Google may obtain other information regarding the customer's browser, device, and language. This information helps us understand how customers are finding and using our website, in order to improve our website in the future and possibly create targeted marketing campaigns.
Your information is shared with several third parties to help us with marketing campaigns. GrazeCart powers our website and online store ( Google Analytics helps us understand our customers buying patterns, including how our customers find our website, how they use our website, and who potential customers may be. Information regarding Google's policies can be found here: Customers can opt out of Google Analytics at Facebook is used for marketing campaigns, including, but not limited to, targeted advertisements on Facebook's platform. Google and Facebook may help us determine a buying profile for current and future customers. No third party, other than Stripe, is provided your credit card information. Customers can opt out of Facebook targeted advertisements at
We use Drip to track events customers perform on our website. Events tracked may include: creating an account, adding items to the cart (and which ones), starting checkout, completing checkout, canceling an order, joining our newsletter, submitting a pickup proposal, visiting a page, and clicking a link in an email. We use this information to email customers with targeted communications regarding incomplete orders and other targeted information regarding our products and services. All marketing emails contain an opt out link for customers, or customer may do so here:
Personal data sent to Drip includes: first and last name, email address, city, state, zip code, country, and phone number.
We may also use your information as required by law to comply with regulations, tax codes and requirements, requests from judicial systems and courts, or to otherwise protect our rights.
Please note that we do not alter our website’s data collection and use practices when we see a Do Not Track signal from your browser.
We will use the zip code you provide to extract the latitude, longitude, city, state, and country. We do this to save you from having to enter your city, state, and zip code when creating an account, and to help us find your closest pickup location.
Data is not deleted from the system, unless it is requested by a customer. Contact Steve VanDerLoop ( or call 715-415-4675 to request deletion.
Questions regarding our privacy policy, data collection, or personal information use can be directed to Steve VanDerLoop (
Our privacy policy may be changed periodically to meet updated laws or regulations, for new marketing needs, for new third party partnerships, or other changes to our business operations.
If you are a European resident, you have the right to access personal information we hold about you and to ask that your personal information be corrected, updated, or deleted. If you would like to exercise this right, please contact us at or call 715-415-4675.
Additionally, if you are a European resident we note that we are processing your information in order to fulfill contracts we might have with you (for example if you make an order through our website), or otherwise to pursue our legitimate business interests listed above. Additionally, please note that your information will be transferred outside of Europe, including to Canada and the United States.